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A Few Testimonials

I just want to let you know that I really enjoy using your website to browse for houses. I like that I get emails with new listings and price reductions. It's also nice that your agent sends listings to me by email but she does not call and harass me constantly like other real estate agents have done. Your website is easy to use and always up-to-date and it's fun to be able to search by subdivision -- that is a great feature! Thanks for putting a QUALITY product out there and thank you for actually taking the time and investing the money to make your website easy to use and a lot better than your competition. It is so user friendly ! If I am ever ready to sell or buy, I will definitely call you and work with you.
- Tina Wyatt
Online searching for homes and found your site. Registered and the majority of the homes I liked was only found on HomesbyMarco. No need for improvement, keep doing what you guys do!
- Dajuan Chandler
We couldn't be happier with the service from Kathy Saunders. We began looking for a condo staying in the area, then totally switched gears and decided to sell our home and move out-of-state! Kathy was patient with us through all decisions we had to make. When we decided to put our home on the market, we did interview other realtors, but the relationship we had already established with Kathy trumped them all! Selling in the fall/winter and during the holidays was not ideal, but Kathy tried all different ways to market our home and make certain other realtors knew about our unique home. The brochure produced was very professional. She was available to us by returning phone calls promptly, or communicating by email. We had an offer before Christmas, a wonderful present! She coordinated the closing since we were going to be in our new home, out-of-state. Thank you Kathy, for making what can be a very stressful time more manageable.
- Jim Schultz